The story is very short and the truth is very deep (suggested collection)

/August 2022

everyone hopes that in their own life, people who are like beacons can give one or two proverbs to guide themselves forward.

after experiencing the ups and downs of life, I found that a lot of wisdom in life is actually hidden in every bit of life.


the day will dawn when the rooster crows, and it will be dawn even if the rooster does not crow. It is not up to the chicken to decide whether or not to be dawning. The key is who wakes up.

wake up after a day, not wake up for a lifetime.


wake up every day, you are a freshman.

living healthy is the most important and happiest thing in the world.

take advantage of the sunshine, let's go for a walk. Every plant, flower and bird in this world is beautiful, live up to this wonderful time.


A man bought a box of pears. It was a pity that the pears were bad in the hot weather. He ate the worst ones every day, but ended up eating a box of rotten pears.

to sum up, make a couplet:

upper couplet: put the good to eat bad

lower couplet: eat bad bad

horizontal criticism: eat rotten forever


Life is also like eating pears, because you care about unhappy things every day, you have to be sad all your life.

put down the bad things and throw them away. With a little sunshine every day, you will be brilliant for the rest of your life!

cherish the present and be positive and happy!

always be careful not to let yourself fall into a bad mood!


when a parrot meets a crow, the parrot in the cage is comfortable; the crow in the wild is free.

the parrot envies the freedom of the crow, the crow envies the ease of the parrot, and the two birds discuss the exchange.

the crow was at ease, but rarely pleased with its owner, and finally died of depression;

the parrot was free, but for a long time, it could not live on its own, and finally died of hunger.


Don't blindly envy the happiness of others, maybe it doesn't suit you.

Life in the world, do not compare, live your own life, enjoy your life is the king!


A drop of ink falls into a glass of water, which immediately changes color and cannot be drunk;

A drop of ink melts into the sea, and the sea is still a blue sea;


because the two are not the same.

the immature ears of wheat stand straight upward, and the mature ears bow their heads.

Why? Because the weight of the two is different.


to be tolerant of others is to be generous; to humble yourself is weight; together, it is a person's quality.

the bigger the pattern is, the more tolerant they are, and the higher their EQ is, the more they know how to bow.

I hope we can all become high EQ people with a large pattern.


perfume, 95% is water, only 5% is different, that is each secret recipe.

the same is true of people. 95% of things are basically similar, and the difference is that 5% of them are crucial, including self-cultivation, character and desire, which determine people's happiness and pain.

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it takes five or ten years for fragrances to be added to perfume, and it is the same for people. Only through growth and exercise can they have their own unique taste.

therefore, learning is very important! It's important to persevere!


A father and son took the donkey to the street, and both of them walked. Some people said they were stupid;

the son rode, some said the son was not filial;

the father rode, some people said the father was too cruel;

Father and son rode together, and some said they didn't love the donkey.

finally, the father and son had to carry the donkey home.

realize that

people can't live in the opinions of others.

if you don't have your own mind and determination, you can only do the stupid thing of "father and son lifting the donkey" if you are influenced by other people's words and deeds everywhere.


the fox found a litter of chickens, which was too fat to get in, so he finally entered after three days of hunger.

after a good meal, he couldn't get out again, so he had to go hungry for three days again. In the end, he lamented that he was busy in vain except for his mouth addiction in the process.


this is not the case in life.

come naked, go naked, no one can take away the wealth and fame of a lifetime of management.

it is difficult to buy back youth with the money earned with youth; it is difficult to buy back life with the money earned with life; and it is difficult to earn back time with the money earned with time.

even if it takes a lifetime to get money from the whole world, you can't buy back your life with money from the whole world.

therefore, it is important to learn to rest and be happy.


at the parents' meeting, the teacher did these four questions on the blackboard:

parents said:

"you made a mistake."

the teacher turned around and said slowly, "Yes, everyone can see very clearly that this problem is wrong."

but I got three questions right before. Why didn't anyone praise me, but just saw that I made a mistake? "

the teacher then said meaningfully:

"parents, the essence of education is not to find their children's mistakes, but to appreciate what they have done right."


it's the same as being a man. If you treat him well a hundred times, maybe he forgets. If you don't go well once, you may erase everything!

This is the principle of human nature.

this is true between friends, as well as between relatives and family.

the purpose of bringing up this topic today is to make the friendship last forever and the family forever.

it is best to take a step back between friends, and it is high to give way to relatives.

if you have received the grace of dripping water, you should be rewarded by the spring.

this is the truth of being a man.

this is true for children, and so are adults.


the most authentic comments are worth collecting forever.

the palpable size of the chest is called the chest circumference, and the untouchable size of the chest is called the chest.

the place that the eye can see is called the line of sight;

the place that the eye cannot see is called the field of vision.

words that can be said in the mouth are called content; words that can not be said in the mouth are called connotations.

the action on the hand is called the gesture; the action that cannot be scratched on the hand is called the means.

what is measured in the brain is called IQ;

what is not detected in the brain is called wisdom.

what can be heard by the ear is called sound; what is not heard by the ear is called reputation.

what is printed on the certificate is called diploma; what is not printed on the certificate is called culture.

temperature measurement is called temperature;

temperature measurement is called warmth.

words that can be written by fingers are called articles; words that

cannot be written by fingers are called literature.

what you can see in the mirror is yourself;

what you can't see in the mirror is self.

what money measures is price;

what money cannot measure is value.

deposits are called property;

deposits are called wealth.

what you worry about in your mouth is love words;

what you worry about in your heart is emotion.

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