Details can be seen in character, trifles in the hearts of the people

/August 2022

there is a saying: "the goods are in the things, the heart is hidden in the body."

it's hard for us to really know a person from the surface.

but you can see a person's character and sincerity from the details of life.

those seemingly inconspicuous actions often best reflect the true face of a person.

A person who can think of others in detail will certainly not be bad in character, and he will not be false in his heart.


for details, see character

some people say: "A person's real capital is not beauty, nor money, but character."

character is not only the embodiment of a person's self-cultivation, but also the best card of a person.

good character is not only reflected in the face of right and wrong, but also in the details of life.

being able to take care of others and make people comfortable is also the embodiment of a person's character.

I have read such a story:

there was a young girl who came home late at night because of overtime.

when she was taking the elevator to close the elevator door and go upstairs, two uncles happened to press the elevator outside.

after the elevator door opened, two uncles looked at the girl. One uncle made a gesture to go in, and the other uncle grabbed him and said, wait a minute.

because the uncle took care of the girl's loneliness and was afraid that she was afraid, he said to the girl, "I'm really sorry, he's drunk. We have a strong smell of alcohol. We're afraid of smoking you. Go up first!"

the girl was surprised and warm in her heart. She shook her hand and said, "it doesn't matter."

but the uncle still insists on letting the girl go up first.

A person's character is reflected in some small details.

in life, give people a hand when you go in and out, and speak kindly when talking to people.

these details are the embodiment of good character.

people with good character will think of others in everything.

Zuo Zhuan says: "there are virtues, meritorious deeds, and speeches that have been handed down for a long time. This is called immortality."

character is always the first.

details are most likely to be ignored and can best see a person's character.


small things can be seen in the hearts of the people

Water does not try, do not know the depth; people do not know whether it is good or bad.

people often say that people know the face but not the heart.

the human heart is the most complex and unpredictable.

in fact, to see a person's sincerity, you only need to look at his attitude in terms of trifles.

in ancient times, a guard stayed in the eastern capital, and a local sage paid homage to him as a doorman.

the other doormen in the house said that the doorman was selfish.

Tai Shou couldn't tell whether it was true or false, so he asked the doorman to play chess with him.

the two men agreed to play chess, and the doorman won a reward of two taels of silver.

midway, Taishou had official documents to deal with, so he walked away.

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and the doorman knew that he would lose if he continued to play this game, so he took the opportunity to move the position of the pieces to turn his inferior situation into an advantageous situation.

when Tai Shou came back, he easily beat Tai Shou and took two taels of silver.

in fact, when Tai Shou came back, he had already noticed that he had moved the pieces, but he did not expose him.

the next day, Tai Shou asked him to be a guest in another place.

the doorman wondered why he was fired, and asked the reason when he left.

Tai Shou said: "when you are faced with interests, you do not want to solve problems, but choose to win me by means." If something really happens, you will only take care of your own interests and abandon me in danger, so you are not fit to stay by my side. "

finally, the doorman left in shame.

Keigo Higano said: "there are two things in the world that cannot be looked directly at: one is the sun, and the other is the human heart."

people are the most difficult to guard against.

you don't know whether there is a knife hidden behind the smile.

it is true that people are unpredictable, but one can still see that a person is not sincere in terms of trifles.

if a person, in the face of temptations and difficulties, will still think for us, such people are sincere to us.

the heart is not in the mouth, but in the heart.

only by seeing the hearts of the people clearly can you make friends with the right people and keep yourself from getting hurt.


details can best see a person

there is a saying: "details come from attitude, details reflect quality."

details, you can see a person most clearly.

the true face of a person is always revealed inadvertently.

if you want to know whether a person is worthy of your trust, just look at the details of what he does.

in Japan, a small company specializing in sports equipment wanted to cooperate with a large trading company, but the boss of the small company, Tanaka, failed to talk about cooperation many times.

one day, Tanaka tried again and failed again, which made him very depressed.

when he was about to leave, it rained heavily outside, and the wind blew indiscriminately into the hall from the entrance, blowing the front desk newspapers all over the floor.

Tanaka picked up the newspaper on the ground, put it back and turned around to leave, thinking that the wind would also blow the newspaper on the ground, so he went out and found a stone to press on the newspaper and left with peace of mind.

these actions were seen by the president standing not far away. He was moved by Tanaka's behavior and thought that Tanaka was a serious and responsible person, so he decided to cooperate with Tanaka.

later, the cooperation between the two companies proved to be successful.

Tanaka's small company is also growing, and now it has set up many subsidiaries around the world, with customers all over the world.The ball.

as the old saying goes, "words are the voice of the heart, but actions are the expression of the heart."

A person's inner thoughts can be judged by his speech and behavior.

details, you can see one's self-cultivation.

people who do things seriously will pay attention to details; people who do things carelessly will ignore details.

people who can do a good job in details are not only conscientious and reliable, but also better able to take into account the feelings of others.

such people deserve our deep acquaintance.

Laozi once said, "Great events in the world must be done in detail."

small things do great things, but details do well.

many times, details can help us better understand a person.

details can be seen in character, trifles in the heart.

A good character is the wealth of a lifetime; to be sincere is a lifetime of luck.

only when you have a good character can you become popular later.